Parto Tejarat Radin Trading Group, with the aim of supplying food raw materials, various essential oils and flavorings, natural food colors, powders and compounds of energy drinks, has started its professional activity since 2014 and in this regard has succeeded. Representation of international companies such as Destilla Germany, Vega China and Turkey.
In Parto Tejarat Radin, with the support of our expert and trained team and the cooperation of our international counterparts, we are ready to provide a variety of formulations and technical advice in the field of upgrading your current products and new and up-to-date innovations.
Loyalty and customer satisfaction are the main pillars of Parto Tejarat Radin Group's line of thought. In this way, we try to be in sync with you from the beginning to the moment of production.
Cooperation with prominent companies such as Behnoosh Iran, Kasel Noosh, Khoshgovar Mashhad, Sedaghat Pishe Fars, Orum Narin, Alis, etc. in the food industry is our pride.
After achieving significant success in the food industry in recent years, this group in 1399, has succeeded in opening and operating a factory for the production of animal feed and Pet.
All the products of this factory have been formulated and marketed under the German license.